We live under the shadows of great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi who led India to its independence and inspired movements for civil rights and religion. The immortal Sardar Patel who united a scattered nation without any bloodshed.SubhashChandrabose who with his dynamic personality and courage was the role model for the youth. SardarBhagat Singh, an outstanding revolutionary and martyr of the India Freedom movement.
With such outstanding leaders as an example we should serve our nation first. Selfless service is the byword. It is only by serving others and our country can we expect to serve ourselves. India is the only country who has never warred against other nations and set out to conquer other lands. We are proud to be Indian and we must strive to emulate the teachings of our leaders.
We have to remember that it is through our parents that we have occupied this earth and have learned to walk and talk. Humbly must we remember their sacrifices and with gratitude must we thank them for taking care of us when we needed them the most. Now, it is our turn to discharge our duty with honour and love. For now, to take care of them and provide them with an environment of warmth and security and love so they may live their last years on earth peacefully.
We revere Mother Goddess in temples, must we not remember to do the same with our own Mothers? It is said that if the lady of the house has tears in her eyes, then Goddess Lakshmi leaves the house to never return. That is why in some families there still remains the tradition where the men are advised to take care of the women so not a drop a tear falls from their eyes. Then they will be eternally blessed.
A move to self-rule.
We are not against foreign products.
By trying to be self-governing and independent.
Our Economy is in our hands.
Yoga reduces the physical effects of stress on the body. By encouraging relaxation, yoga helps to lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Chronic stress is associated with high levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a hormone that regulates fat storage and appetite in the body. Chronically stressed people have higher levels of cortisol, which promotes food cravings for sweet foods, and fat storage. Yoga burns fat by lowering the cortisol levels in the body, which unlocks stored fat to be burned for energy.
Related benefits include lowered blood pressure and heart rate, improved digestion. Boosting of the immune system as well as easing symptoms of chronic conditions of modern living such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, asthma and insomnia.
Yoga asanas (postures) use every muscle in the body that helps to increase strength literally from head to toe. And, while these postures strengthen the body, they also provide additional benefits of relieving muscular tension.
The meditative aspects of yoga help many to reach a deeper, more spiritual and more satisfying place in their lives. Many who begin to practice for prosaic reasons have reported this to be a key reason that yoga has become an essential part of their daily lives.
Yoga practice encourages self-reflection, rhythmic breathing, and paying attention to the subtle signals that the body sends. By setting aside an hour a day from the demands of modern life, yoga helps the body and mind deal with stress. And if you are truly blessed, spiritual evolution will also take place.